Double: This Hello double conveys to partner that similar No Trump values are held or that the Hello doubler has a long, unspecified suit which could run against a final No Trump contract by the opponents. 2 Clubs: This is an artificial overcall and informs partner that the suits are either: Diamonds or a two-suited holding with a Major suit and a Minor suit, both unspecified. 2 Diamonds: This is a Transfer Bid to Hearts. The values may be either strong or weak. If weak, then the suit should be at least a 6-card suit. 2 Hearts: Promises both Major suits. The strength can be either weak or intermediate. The guideline is that in direct seat both suits should be a 5-5 distribution and in the balancing seat a distribution of at least 5-4. 2 Spades: Promises a long Spade suit. If weak, then the suit should be at least a 6-card suit. If strong, then a 5-card suit is acceptable. 2 NT: This is a Transfer Bid to Clubs. 3 Clubs: Promises both Minor suits. 3 Diamonds: Promises both Major suits and generally 16+ high card points. 3 Hearts: Preemptive in nature and promises a 7-card plus Heart suit. Weak in point count. 3 Spades: Preemptive in nature and promises a 7-card plus Spade suit. Weak in point count.