Why play bridge?

Bridge has been described as an intense mental activity that combines the opportunity to socialize and unwind for people who appreciate using their mental wit to solve complex puzzles and mysteries.

The game is both fast-paced and mentally challenging. While each hand takes only 5 or 10 minutes to play, each hand presents a new mystery to be solved.

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Bridge lessons

The RDBC is here to help you improve your bridge game or get you started if you are new to bridge. Visit our bridge lessons page for the latest schedule.

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IMPs Vs Match Points

IMPs are International Match Points and are a way of scoring Team Games where 4 to 6 players compete against another team. All international competitions are scored this way and work so well that they have been adopted for all club and tournament scoring. IMP or team games are very much like rubber bridge as the total score (above and below the line) is what matters.

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Helpful handouts

We have been compiling a list of handouts to help out bridge players of all skill levels. Here are a few samples of the handouts available to you.

Click here to see the full list of handouts.