Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
A 10 8 4 3 2
A Q J 6 3
K Q 10 8
Q 6
10 8 2
10 8 4 3
4 3
J 9 5
K 9 7 5 4
Q J 7
J 9 7 6 5 2
K 7
A K 9 6 5


My partner and I held the above North-South hands and would like to know how you would bid them.


Misfit hands do come up occasionally and can be very hard to handle.  I tend to become very cautious when I think we have a misfit.  Since East is the dealer, I would pass the south hand and not open it.  It is very close to an opener but it may be easier to compete later.  So, North would open 1 Heart.  South, now bids 1 Spade and North rebids 2 Diamonds.  Here is where South should start to think about it being a misfit, especially with a void in diamonds and no pre-emptive bid from either East or West.  So, North likely has a lot of diamonds to go with the hearts.  So, I am going to tread lightly and just bid 2 Spades with my 6 spades and 11 HCP.  This is a bit of an underbid, but I don’t want to get too high with a possible misfit.  Once in a blue moon, I might miss game by being conservative, but I also stay out of trouble if it is a misfit.  Now, North, with some extra values and singleton spade should bid 3 Diamonds.  South should view the 3 Diamond bid as showing some extra values but less than enough to jump to 3 Diamonds over my 1 Spade.  Now, South should jump to 4 Hearts since they have already underbid their hand and do have limit raise values plus a diamond void for partner.  Not sure how much the AK of clubs will help but it will be 2 tricks in any event.


So my advice is, tread slowly when confronted with a likely misfit.


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