
I usually play feature asking over a weak 2 bids as I find some partners miss-bidding their holding using regular Ogust and we end up with a bad score. You once mentioned that you like what I think you called “3 point Ogust” which made way more sense to me. Can you tell me more and why? I find feature ask works well with the most partners but now and then someone likes regular Ogust and I wish I could explain the 3 point style you had mentioned.


I play 3 point Ogust because some people have trouble remembering which comes first, good hand or good suit.  So, it was easier to use 3 Point Ogust.  As with any convention, 3 point Ogust requires an hand evaluation and some people may have trouble evaluating their hand in determining the proper response. 

It is a “feel” response (How do I feel about my hand and what do I think partner would expect my hand to be given the vulnerabilities) and before you decide your response, you take into consideration the vulnerability (yours and the opponents) as well as general strength/suit strength, etc.

The responses are:
3 Clubs = My pre-empt is worse than what you would expect me to have considering the above.
3 Diamonds = My pre-empt is about what you would expect.
3 Hearts   = My pre-empt is better than what you would expect.

These responses are easy to remember, but, as with any convention, you should fully discuss what you and your partner will expect these responses will show given the different vulnerabilities.

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