By Cal McLeod

Dealer: S
Vul: Both
♠ J1054
♥ 10863
♦ AKJ3
♣ 5
♠ AQ76
♥ K94
♦ 7
♠ K
♥ AJ72
♣ 98
♠ 9832
♥ Q5
♦ Q8
♣ KQ743

         P  1C 
1D    P  P  DBL
P     P  2C DBL
RDBL  P  P  P    
HTML Bridge Hand Layout Creator


Take a look at the auction here. The point of this story is what does redouble mean? I’m sure at some point in bridge history it meant we are going to make 2C with ease. The modern interpretation is Partner pick an unbid suit and I will have decent support for you. It even has a name which is SOS redouble. The NS pair went for 2800.
The reason for playing it for takeout is you probably already have a good score if 2CX is making, so you might as well use the RDBL as Partner we are in trouble – pick another suit.
As you can see from the above hands, N did have support for both unbid suits. If South bids 2S (probably -3) and gets doubled, he will be better off and West may even misjudge the hand and bid 2NT.

If you are interested, here are all the previous Tips of the Week